Dawson Co Residents Are Sick & Tired of High Density Development, and a “PETITION TO KEEP DAWSON SMALL” has begun circulating.  As of this writing, 857 residents have joined the Petition, and 317 have left comments in Opposition to the Etowah Bluff – Fox Creek Rezoning, that will pack almost 1,000 new residences AND enormous amounts of new commercial & industrial development, into a relatively small 518 Acres.  Our Infrastructure is already overburdened.  Traffic is already becoming unbearable.  The Quality of Life in Dawson County will be forever negatively affected if this rezoning passes.

(Keep reading to be introduced to the exceptional young man – homegrown in dawson county – that put the petition together; and we share a Video of him presenting his case to the Dawson County Planning Commission.)

How many times are we going to have to fight this? Etowah Village, Dawson Village, Etowah Bluffs – Fox Creek, etc. They can hide this under as many names as they want, hoping some of our weak Commissioners will eventually pass this, but Dawson County Residents are showing tough resolve on this one, and the fight against this is continuing, year after year.  Once again this proposed high density development has reared it’s ugly head, and residents are again called upon to defend their quality of life.

All Dawson County Residents are also encouraged to show up for the May 19, 2022 Dawson County Board of Commissioners 4:00 PM Work Session, and the following 6:00 PM Voting Session.  If you cannot attend in person, please visit the Dawson BOC Meeting Page for instructions on joining the meeting remotely via Zoom.

Residents are also encouraged to write your Commissioners, and give them your opinion on this Etowah Bluffs – Fox Creek Project (or all the high density development in general that is going on in the county)Individual Commissioner Email list below: (Billy Thurmond) (Sharon Fausett) (Chris Gaines) (Tim Satterfield) (Emory Dooley)

Or copy/paste for bulk email to all:,,,,

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, The CJC would like to give credit where credit is due, and introduce the County to an amazing young man, that I believe is going to do very well in this life, and is responsible for creating the PETITION TO KEEP DAWSON SMALL.

MAXIMILLIAN “MAX” MULDOON is a young man that is Homegrown in Dawsonville, graduated from Dawson County HS, attended Young Harris College in North Georgia, works as a Logistics Analyst at a local company, and of his own volition came up with the idea to write and launch the Petition.  Max went even farther, and showed up and gave a rather impressive speech to the Dawson Planning Committee before a packed house.  He received a solid round of applause.  I for one had a little bit of my faith in humanity restored, as I watched one of our future generation step up to the plate and exhibit such incrediby sound wisdom, and boldness.  Max Muldoon Addresses Planning Commission:

Dawson County resident Jessica Scott also did a great job summarizing many resident concerns (got a good applause too!):  But if you can find 42 minutes to watch the entire parade of residents giving sincere and well thought out comments in opposition to this project, I do not think you will be dissapointed:

Sign the Petition.  Attend the May 19 Meetings. Write your Commissioners.  Share this Article on your Facebook pages.  Share links to these videos.  The residents of this county are again called upon to fight the good fight to protect our quality of life.

This Article is Shareable Online at our CJC Public Facebook News Page:

This is the 1st Article to be officially produced and distributed by the Citizen Journalist Cooperative (“CJC”), a News Project of The Mountains Voice.  Look for our Series of Articles on “Etowah Buffs – Fox Creek Development” to continue right up the May 19th Voting Deadline.  If any North GA Residents feel they have something to contribute to this project, please visit our “Citizen Journalist” and “About” pages to learn more. 

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice