Etowah Bluffs: Dawson County Citizen POLL + BOC Same Old Tricks (Part 5)


Take the Dawson County Citizen’s POLL, regarding a potential Citizen Lawsuit to stop the Project.  Article below contains more supporting information.
POLL RESULTS RELEASED (July 21, 2022): 3 Page PDF

Etowah Bluffs is moving forward towards an approval vote by the Dawson County Commissioners on July 21, 2022.  In the latest attempt at misdirection, and “cover-your-butt” politics, our Commissioners are attempting to refocus public attention on the rather meaningless gesture of a temporary “Rezoning Moratorium”.

Here is a quote from the recent article from Dawson County News:
The moratorium will not apply to developments that have already been passed or are going through the county’s approval process, like the mixed-use Etowah Bluffs and Etowah Village complex proposed by Fox Creek Properties. Their development will come up again on the BOC’s July 21 agenda, at which time there will not be a public hearing for it, since one was already held at the board’s May 19 meeting.”

The CJC has done numerous articles on everything that is wrong with this proposed Development.  Facebook comments, 42 minutes of recorded public comments at Planning Meetings, a Statement from EMS, concerns from Public Works, and a wildly popular Public Petition to Keep Dawson Small, have ALL shown that Dawson County Residents and other leaders of our County Government are overwhelmingly concerned with, or opposed to this enormous High Density Development Project! 

A single Project that is projected to increase the population of Dawson County by 20% – alone!  Just this one huge project!  And not only will it increase the density – it will change the Voting Demographics forever, attracting urbanite Atlantans, that will then Vote for more of the same clear cutting, concrete paving, traffic, congestion and noise.  Dawson County Residents will LOSE their Quality of Life FOREVER if this passes.

Yet, “some” of our spineless Commissioners refuse to do the will of the people. 
So now we come to the final leg of this fight between the Citizens of Dawson County vs The Land Raping High-Density Developers
(and their 3 crony Commissioners).

I believe that if there is not SUBSTANTIAL Public Outcry and Pushback, the Commissioner’s will vote this through.  My guess is that Chris Gaines, Billy “The Realtor” Thurmond, and Tim Satterfield are a lock to Vote this through – but Gaines and Thurmond are hoping to sneak this through without political consequence.  Satterfield is a lame duck with nothing to lose.

I want to refer everyone to my previous article – Etowah Bluffs: Rezoning Process Appears to Have Violated Legal Process (Part 4) – because at this time I think it is important for Dawson County Citizens to seriously think about their final options and rights in fighting this proposed high-density monstrosity that will FOREVER change the demographics of Dawson County.  We’re going to do this through an informal straw poll to see just how determined Dawson County Residents are in regards to protecting their Quality of Life.  I have started the process of talking to an attorney to get the options regarding litigation against the Dawson County Board of Commissioners, by the Citizens Of Dawson County.

Below is a link to the POLL.  You also have an option to join The CJC Mailing List.

To Take the POLL – Click Here

Everyone Please Share this Article widely with all of your friends and family in Dawson County.  Send links to it by email, share it on your facebook pages, copy it into Facebook Groups, and tweet links.  Also…. talk about it.  And remember that the Vote is on July 21 in the Commissioner’s Meeting.  Nobody even has to speak (actually they won’t allow it, I believe), they can simply come, quietly, silently, and pray.  Sometimes a mass of silent, solemn and praying individuals can accomplish what is needed, when all other approaches fail.

“May the Lord God Almighty Bless this Process of the People; and may God give aid, strength and courage to the People in Protecting the Land, and our Quality of Life in Dawson County.  Amen”

This is the 5th Article in our Series on “Etowah Buffs – Fox Creek Development”.  If any North GA Residents feel they have something to contribute to this Citizen Journalist News Project, please visit our “Citizen Journalist” and “About” pages to learn more.  This Article is also Shareable Online at our CJC Public Facebook News Page:

Disclaimer:  The author of this article, and the POLL is not a licensed attorney, and no statements herein or therein should be construed as legal advice.

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice