The Citizen Journalist Cooperative is seeking Citizen Journalists (“CJs”) and other project participants. You do NOT have to be a professional, or even a great writer to participate.  We are also looking for Youtube Producers, and Support persons. (Researchers, Web Developers, Editors, Social Media Influencers, etc.)

All participating Content Creators (writers and video producers) will have a dedicated page that lists all of their articles/videos.  They will receive free article hosting, and financial assistance for distribution of articles/videos.  In the future, we will be exploring an automatic payment portal where readers can directly subscribe or “tip” the writer.  You can read about our Goals on the “About” page.

If anyone is interested in participating, shoot an email with a brief bio, your areas of interest, WHAT you think you can contribute to the project, and WHY you want to do this. Include your name, age, county of residence, private community if applicable to your story ideas, and contact info.  If you have an existing blog, website, or youtube page, include a link.   NO Democrat/Republican/Bullshit political activists need apply.  Just intelligent editorial, fact based, investigative type stuff – good old fashioned journalism.

I’m currently swamped and still developing this, AND I am on a hard deadline to put together a series of articles on the Etowah Bluffs Rezoning, so be patient with me getting back to you (could be a week or two depending on response volume)Everything, and the identity of everybody submitting is completely confidential.  I am also considering allowing writers to use “Pen Names”, so if you are strongly led to do this, but afraid of your identity getting out on controversial issues…. we may have a solution.

To be completely transparent, this is not a paid job right now for anything.  I myself am spending quite a bit of my own funds (and most of my time) developing this.  This is being done out of Love for Community, and to protect our quality of life here in the North GA Mountains.  Will it grow into something bigger, that stands on its own two feet and starts providing income at some point?  I think it will, but right now this is just a shared project, of like minded people, who want to try and build something that restores the public faith in the News Industry; brings Accountability and Transparency to our interactions with our local governments and “powers that be”; and restores some 1st Amendment Power to the Citizens of our region.

If you think you may have something to contribute, send your material to:

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice