City Council Final Decision: October 17 @ 5:00 pm

195 Apartments are being proposed at corner of Hwy 53 & Perimeter Rd next to Highschool.  It has secretly been in the works for over 2 years, and residents have just learned about this.  It is happening fast!

This Ultra High Density Development will be 6 units per acre!  At the busiest intersection in Dawsonville!  At an intersection that the entire western side of the County has to drive through to get to Hwy 400!  Am copying the links to the Zoning App and City Annex Below. PS… Guess Who is smack in the middle of putting this High Density Development together? #WillWadeTheBankerDeveloperPolitician

Link to Copy of the Zoning Application (28 Pgs / 24mb PDF)

Link to Copy of the City Annex Notice (15 Pgs / 14mb PDF – Owner Will Wade on Pg 4)


  • City of Dawsonville Planning Commission Meeting:  Sept 12 @ 5:00 pm
  • Dawsonville City Council: October 3 @ 5:30 pm
  • City Council Final Decision: October 17 @ 5:00 pm

Public Hearings are heard in the Council Chambers on the second floor at City Hall located at 415 Hwy 53 E, Dawsonville, GA 30534

Here are more documents, and serious concerns regarding William Wade‘s purchase of this property, and after the links are some points for people to consider…

(1) Link to The Warranty Deed: (4 Pgs / 3.1mb PDF)

(2) Link to The PT61 (Establishes Legal Sales Value for Taxes Basis etc): (4 Pgs / 425kb PDF)

(3) Link to Copy of the Dawson County Parcel Record: (4 Pgs / 87kb PDF)

COMMENTS: Parcel Record lists the transfer from the Gee Family Heirs to “JSW Gee Corner LLC” (William Wade‘s shell company – JSW is his wife’s initials, who is a grandaughter of Edith Gee) as a “GIFT”.  The PT61 shows the value at $500,000 – and the Warranty Deed is stamped with a transfer tax of $500. So WHY is this listed as a GIFT, when the Seller received $500,000???  And the Shell Company has the name “Gee” in it, but are they Members?  Or is this all just an attempt to make a quick glance at this appear as if this is just an interfamily transfer (gift) into an LLC they set up, and to keep Will Wade’s name out of the public eye?  If so – that is some pretty clear evidence that this is calculated and intentional. 

Furthermore, I have been approached by Facebook that Will Wade is attempting to have all of my posts on this matter CENSORED AND REMOVED.

So, tell me what this sounds like:

  • Pushing Low Income Rental Housing to redistribute Atlanta into our Rural County
  • Using Social Media to Censor your Opposition.

I thought Will Wade was a Republican, but this sure sounds a lot like the New World Order Socialist Agenda to me.  As one friend of mine who went to school with Wade put it, “Will back then was better than the Will of today.”  I wonder how many people in Dawson County are supporting Will Wade based on the hollow memory of a man that is no more.  That guy is gone.  Look at the actions, not the words and mardeting advertisements.

This proposed 195 Unit Rental Project is BAD NEWS.  Bad for the City; Bad for the County; Bad for our Quality of Life and Values; Bad for traffic; Bad for future property values.  Just bad for any organized and common sense Long Range Plan in general.  I predict there will be political repercussions for all those in the City that get attached to this, and for a certain representative.

And everyone nees to look at the dates in these documents.  This thing has been being put together since March of 2020 (1st Plat and Survey done by Will).  Quietly.  Secretively.  They knew darn well this was going to going to raise a stink with City & County residents, but greed got the better of them. That is what makes this all the worse…. the intentional attempt to sneak this through behind the Citizen’s backs.  This sounds a lot like an exit strategy from a guy that bought this land for $500K, at the peak of the market, and who desperately needs to recoup before the market crashes.  I bet this is how Nancy Pelosi got so rich.  How all politicians get so rich.  Leveraging their status and contacts over the interests of their constituents?

Dawson County residents and our County Government Officials needs to do what they can to stop this.  City of Dawsonville Residents even more so.  SHARE THIS ARTICLE, AND ALL THOSE TO FOLLOW ON THIS TOPIC VIA EMAIL AND ON SOCIAL MEDIA!  And speak up if you have something to say!

This is the 1st Article in our Series on “The 195 Chapman Apts in Dawsonville”.   This Article is also Shareable Online at our CJC Public Facebook News Page:

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice