Dawson County Archives - The Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC) https://cjc.news/category/dawson-county/ The CJC IS WATCHING. Sun, 16 Oct 2022 21:55:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 205819419 195 Rental Cottages in Dawsonville, Bad for the Community (Pt. 2) https://cjc.news/2022/09/10/195-rental-cottages-in-dawsonville-bad-for-the-community-pt-2/ Sat, 10 Sep 2022 18:23:06 +0000 https://cjc.news/?p=515 Guest Article by a City of Dawsonville Resident The proposed community of 195 rental cottages on Perimeter Rd and Hwy 53 will affect the surroundings and school system, it’s impact will be detrimental to our community. This isn’t just about [...]

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Guest Article by a City of Dawsonville Resident

The proposed community of 195 rental cottages on Perimeter Rd and Hwy 53 will affect the surroundings and school system, it’s impact will be detrimental to our community.

This isn’t just about Will Wade and his ties in the community and the nearby communities, it’s about our life style and our communities capabilities. Will Wade knows this community very well, and he knows the risk and impacts this brings, but would rather pad his pockets and show the Good ole boys he’s a big boy now. Will being on the BOE for 15 years he would be knowledgeable of what’s going to happen to this area after this community would be established, but just proves to us all he is no different than the others, and is just seeking fame and a seat at the Good ole boys and girls table. He’s worked his whole life to have a chair at this table, and he’s been sitting awhile with them. Wade’s history includes being a community banker with focus on real estate, executive management and commercial lending; Past Dawson County Rotary Club President; (09-10); 15 years on the BOE committee; Assistant District Governor for Dawson, Lumpkin, and White county. Will Wade is now a Georgia State Representative for district 9.  Will has pull.

The other Land owners have been at the Good Ole Folks Table well since Dawsonville was established. The principal land owner no longer resides in our community, city or county, so why should they care about the Infrastructure or the impact of what’s going to happen when they sell out. The other couple, who’s the sister of principal land owner, also has ownership as well.  Along with her husband. Are they all using their high ranking positions to get this passed?

The Good Ole Boys System from long past is seems still in effect today. Here in our small town, much like Washington DC politicians are making decisions for us and not asking the thoughts of the everyday citizens. They are making a decision for us expecting us to go along with it, thinking, we as citizens are incapable of making decisions or able to voice what’s best for our community in our community. Sadly it seems to be just another payday for some, but life changing affects on our community around this project.

This community of 195 rental cottages will have a negative impact in many different ways. The school system and bus transportation have been struggling. Struggling and can’t keep up with transportation with kids riding buses almost 1 1/2 hours from Perimeter Road to go to their schools. Causing educational learning/ behavior problems due to long rides and waking up earlier 6:15 and getting home later 4:35pm

Sweet Water Preserve was the first mistake on Perimeter. Take a ride in there, the fence lines and fences or unappealing and all over the place. They’re already starting to have problems and have been digging up constantly on the roads through yards to correct the problems which some are finding out that there’s underground springs all under this land. Those springs feed into a long network of waterways including  Flat Creek, Shoal Creek and eventually the Etowah River. Same goes for this land under the 195. It has a Spring and Branch that also feeds into Flat Creek and beyond. What will happen to the flowing springs and waterways when mixed with the polluted water run off when the whole land is paved and built on with 195 little rentals crammed in side by side?

Ride the perimeter from 1 side of hwy 9 to the other side. Check out how rough the outside around the homes are looking like. This will look no different in 15 years, only worse. The surrounding homes will depreciate in value and safety. This will be rental properties, but 195 of them crammed on top of each other, yet the company wants to compare their companies proposal of usage of the land to Sweetwater Preserve and Farmington Apartments. Rental properties depreciate and devalue everything around them. The locals blame the move ins for the overgrowth of the small town but have no problem profiting financial gain from it. Caring less of the burdens it brings for the remaining citizens. There is no comparison one has 102 homes (Sweetwater) and the other one is 72 units (Farmington). This would be 195.

Now let’s talk about traffic. The study was done during this summer, which is when school is out, and I believe is inaccurate to the true amount of traffic during the school months which is August-May.  Traffic study done during the 60 days of summer where school traffic slows down is not true representation of daily traffic. Sweetwater preserve with 102 homes, having 204 minimum vehicles (2 per house). Adding Farmington apartments which are 72 units, with two cars per unit making it 144 cars. Let’s go ahead and add 20 extra cars for the people that live on Perimeter and Ingram. That’s 368 cars plus. By adding this one community that is 195 units and two cars per unit is 390 plus cars at the bare minimum. Which is over double the amount as of now.

Perimeter is a major community road, and a cut through for many. What’s happens when the plans rerouting the trucks out of downtown Dawson happens. It’s also in plans. It will be coming from 53 through Burt’s crossing crossing over onto Perimeter. That will be just wonderful. You can’t tell me the city, county and Will Wade forgot about that proposal. Could be the reason of selling off their property, maybe current owners are seeking else where. Due to what’s coming. Do you realize what this will do? Have you seen the traffic lately in the area ? Have you seen the traffic headed to and from 400. All of west Dawson County all the way to Big Canoe and down 183 drives through this intersection to get to Hwy 400. This 195 cottages will lead to permanent traffic congestion at this intersection. This is not common sense planning.

This community of 195 cottages will have a very large negative impact in so many different ways. Just drive through the other community the one on Lumpkin Campground and go up and down the streets, due to not fitting in their little rental cottages and the little driveways with their one car garage  and 5 people living there the cars are up and down the streets. There’s not a single one bedroom unit they are all two and three bedroom units which is bringing three cars per unit roughly.

What happens with the rentals depreciate or go bankrupt? Have you not seen the small towns with downtown rentals. So this company should never compare themselves to other properties around it, as these are rental properties and the size does not compare to the others. Rentals are not the way to go nor 195 units of anything in this area of a matter of fact.

Dawson city and county has always been a small town, we have always been able to help and know one another. Many of the residents on Perimeter do not want this at all. They were not asked or informed properly. Many of the citizens that reside in Dawson or in the city have been here their whole lives for generations and they do not agree nor want this and is not needed.

Leave our small town alone! We love it just as it is. That’s why people want to live here forever. Do not let these people pushing this fool you. They all have ties with the city and in the county. Upsetting Citizen Voters in this big a way could possibly cause Will Wade to lose his seat.

~ From a concerned citizen who does not sit at the same table with these folks!

This is the 1st “Guest Article” contributed to our Series on “The 195 Chapman Apts in Dawsonville”.   It is good that Dawson County, and Dawsonville Residents let their Voices be heard.  This Article is also Shareable Online at our CJC Public Facebook News Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheCJCPage/

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice

Editorial Note: Article submission was lightly edited for clarity, grammar, punctuality, arrangement and highlighting.


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NEW HIGH DENSITY REZONING PLANS IN DAWSONVILLE! (Pt. 1) https://cjc.news/2022/09/10/new-high-density-rezoning-plans-in-dawsonville/ Sat, 10 Sep 2022 18:11:38 +0000 https://cjc.news/?p=520 195 Apartments are being proposed at corner of Hwy 53 & Perimeter Rd next to Highschool.  It has secretly been in the works for over 2 years, and residents have just learned about this.  It is happening fast! This Ultra [...]

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195 Apartments are being proposed at corner of Hwy 53 & Perimeter Rd next to Highschool.  It has secretly been in the works for over 2 years, and residents have just learned about this.  It is happening fast!

This Ultra High Density Development will be 6 units per acre!  At the busiest intersection in Dawsonville!  At an intersection that the entire western side of the County has to drive through to get to Hwy 400!  Am copying the links to the Zoning App and City Annex Below. PS… Guess Who is smack in the middle of putting this High Density Development together? #WillWadeTheBankerDeveloperPolitician

Link to Copy of the Zoning Application (28 Pgs / 24mb PDF)

Link to Copy of the City Annex Notice (15 Pgs / 14mb PDF – Owner Will Wade on Pg 4)


  • City of Dawsonville Planning Commission Meeting:  Sept 12 @ 5:00 pm
  • Dawsonville City Council: October 3 @ 5:30 pm
  • City Council Final Decision: October 17 @ 5:00 pm

Public Hearings are heard in the Council Chambers on the second floor at City Hall located at 415 Hwy 53 E, Dawsonville, GA 30534

Here are more documents, and serious concerns regarding William Wade‘s purchase of this property, and after the links are some points for people to consider…

(1) Link to The Warranty Deed: (4 Pgs / 3.1mb PDF)

(2) Link to The PT61 (Establishes Legal Sales Value for Taxes Basis etc): (4 Pgs / 425kb PDF)

(3) Link to Copy of the Dawson County Parcel Record: (4 Pgs / 87kb PDF)

COMMENTS: Parcel Record lists the transfer from the Gee Family Heirs to “JSW Gee Corner LLC” (William Wade‘s shell company – JSW is his wife’s initials, who is a grandaughter of Edith Gee) as a “GIFT”.  The PT61 shows the value at $500,000 – and the Warranty Deed is stamped with a transfer tax of $500. So WHY is this listed as a GIFT, when the Seller received $500,000???  And the Shell Company has the name “Gee” in it, but are they Members?  Or is this all just an attempt to make a quick glance at this appear as if this is just an interfamily transfer (gift) into an LLC they set up, and to keep Will Wade’s name out of the public eye?  If so – that is some pretty clear evidence that this is calculated and intentional. 

Furthermore, I have been approached by Facebook that Will Wade is attempting to have all of my posts on this matter CENSORED AND REMOVED.

So, tell me what this sounds like:

  • Pushing Low Income Rental Housing to redistribute Atlanta into our Rural County
  • Using Social Media to Censor your Opposition.

I thought Will Wade was a Republican, but this sure sounds a lot like the New World Order Socialist Agenda to me.  As one friend of mine who went to school with Wade put it, “Will back then was better than the Will of today.”  I wonder how many people in Dawson County are supporting Will Wade based on the hollow memory of a man that is no more.  That guy is gone.  Look at the actions, not the words and mardeting advertisements.

This proposed 195 Unit Rental Project is BAD NEWS.  Bad for the City; Bad for the County; Bad for our Quality of Life and Values; Bad for traffic; Bad for future property values.  Just bad for any organized and common sense Long Range Plan in general.  I predict there will be political repercussions for all those in the City that get attached to this, and for a certain representative.

And everyone nees to look at the dates in these documents.  This thing has been being put together since March of 2020 (1st Plat and Survey done by Will).  Quietly.  Secretively.  They knew darn well this was going to going to raise a stink with City & County residents, but greed got the better of them. That is what makes this all the worse…. the intentional attempt to sneak this through behind the Citizen’s backs.  This sounds a lot like an exit strategy from a guy that bought this land for $500K, at the peak of the market, and who desperately needs to recoup before the market crashes.  I bet this is how Nancy Pelosi got so rich.  How all politicians get so rich.  Leveraging their status and contacts over the interests of their constituents?

Dawson County residents and our County Government Officials needs to do what they can to stop this.  City of Dawsonville Residents even more so.  SHARE THIS ARTICLE, AND ALL THOSE TO FOLLOW ON THIS TOPIC VIA EMAIL AND ON SOCIAL MEDIA!  And speak up if you have something to say!

This is the 1st Article in our Series on “The 195 Chapman Apts in Dawsonville”.   This Article is also Shareable Online at our CJC Public Facebook News Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheCJCPage/

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice

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Etowah Bluffs: Dawson County Citizen POLL + BOC Same Old Tricks (Part 5) https://cjc.news/2022/07/14/etowah-bluffs-dawson-county-citizen-poll-boc-same-old-tricks-part-5/ Thu, 14 Jul 2022 15:37:30 +0000 https://cjc.news/?p=403 Take the Dawson County Citizen’s POLL, regarding a potential Citizen Lawsuit to stop the Project.  Article below contains more supporting information. POLL RESULTS RELEASED (July 21, 2022): 3 Page PDF POLL RESULTS SENT TO DAWSON COMMISSIONERS:  Copy of Email / [...]

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Take the Dawson County Citizen’s POLL, regarding a potential Citizen Lawsuit to stop the Project.  Article below contains more supporting information.
POLL RESULTS RELEASED (July 21, 2022): 3 Page PDF

Etowah Bluffs is moving forward towards an approval vote by the Dawson County Commissioners on July 21, 2022.  In the latest attempt at misdirection, and “cover-your-butt” politics, our Commissioners are attempting to refocus public attention on the rather meaningless gesture of a temporary “Rezoning Moratorium”.

Here is a quote from the recent article from Dawson County News:
The moratorium will not apply to developments that have already been passed or are going through the county’s approval process, like the mixed-use Etowah Bluffs and Etowah Village complex proposed by Fox Creek Properties. Their development will come up again on the BOC’s July 21 agenda, at which time there will not be a public hearing for it, since one was already held at the board’s May 19 meeting.”

The CJC has done numerous articles on everything that is wrong with this proposed Development.  Facebook comments, 42 minutes of recorded public comments at Planning Meetings, a Statement from EMS, concerns from Public Works, and a wildly popular Public Petition to Keep Dawson Small, have ALL shown that Dawson County Residents and other leaders of our County Government are overwhelmingly concerned with, or opposed to this enormous High Density Development Project! 

A single Project that is projected to increase the population of Dawson County by 20% – alone!  Just this one huge project!  And not only will it increase the density – it will change the Voting Demographics forever, attracting urbanite Atlantans, that will then Vote for more of the same clear cutting, concrete paving, traffic, congestion and noise.  Dawson County Residents will LOSE their Quality of Life FOREVER if this passes.

Yet, “some” of our spineless Commissioners refuse to do the will of the people. 
So now we come to the final leg of this fight between the Citizens of Dawson County vs The Land Raping High-Density Developers
(and their 3 crony Commissioners).

I believe that if there is not SUBSTANTIAL Public Outcry and Pushback, the Commissioner’s will vote this through.  My guess is that Chris Gaines, Billy “The Realtor” Thurmond, and Tim Satterfield are a lock to Vote this through – but Gaines and Thurmond are hoping to sneak this through without political consequence.  Satterfield is a lame duck with nothing to lose.

I want to refer everyone to my previous article – Etowah Bluffs: Rezoning Process Appears to Have Violated Legal Process (Part 4) – because at this time I think it is important for Dawson County Citizens to seriously think about their final options and rights in fighting this proposed high-density monstrosity that will FOREVER change the demographics of Dawson County.  We’re going to do this through an informal straw poll to see just how determined Dawson County Residents are in regards to protecting their Quality of Life.  I have started the process of talking to an attorney to get the options regarding litigation against the Dawson County Board of Commissioners, by the Citizens Of Dawson County.

Below is a link to the POLL.  You also have an option to join The CJC Mailing List.

To Take the POLL – Click Here

Everyone Please Share this Article widely with all of your friends and family in Dawson County.  Send links to it by email, share it on your facebook pages, copy it into Facebook Groups, and tweet links.  Also…. talk about it.  And remember that the Vote is on July 21 in the Commissioner’s Meeting.  Nobody even has to speak (actually they won’t allow it, I believe), they can simply come, quietly, silently, and pray.  Sometimes a mass of silent, solemn and praying individuals can accomplish what is needed, when all other approaches fail.

“May the Lord God Almighty Bless this Process of the People; and may God give aid, strength and courage to the People in Protecting the Land, and our Quality of Life in Dawson County.  Amen”

This is the 5th Article in our Series on “Etowah Buffs – Fox Creek Development”.  If any North GA Residents feel they have something to contribute to this Citizen Journalist News Project, please visit our “Citizen Journalist” and “About” pages to learn more.  This Article is also Shareable Online at our CJC Public Facebook News Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheCJCPage/

Disclaimer:  The author of this article, and the POLL is not a licensed attorney, and no statements herein or therein should be construed as legal advice.

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice

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Etowah Bluffs: Rezoning Process Appears to Have Violated Legal Process (Part 4) https://cjc.news/2022/05/18/etowah-bluffs-rezoning-process-appears-to-have-violated-legal-process-part-4/ Wed, 18 May 2022 15:11:34 +0000 https://cjc.news/?p=344 In regards to the Six (6) Parcels of land that are part of the Etowah Bluffs Development, the Rezoning process appears to have violated Georgia’s “Zoning Procedures Law”, as codified in GA Code § 36-66-1 et al.  GA Code § [...]

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In regards to the Six (6) Parcels of land that are part of the Etowah Bluffs Development, the Rezoning process appears to have violated Georgia’s “Zoning Procedures Law”, as codified in GA Code § 36-66-1 et al.  GA Code § 36-66-4 specifies the legal requirements for Public Notice prior to a Rezoning Hearing. Below is an excerpt from GA Code:

(a) A local government taking action resulting in a zoning decision shall provide for a hearing on the proposed action. At least 15 but not more than 45 days prior to the date of the hearing, the local government shall cause to be published within a newspaper of general circulation within the territorial boundaries of the local government a notice of the hearing. The notice shall state the time, place, and purpose of the hearing.

(b)(1) The notice, in addition to the requirements of subsection (a) of this Code section, shall include the location of the property, the present zoning classification of the property, and the proposed zoning classification of the property; and

(b)(2) A sign containing information required by local ordinance or resolution shall be placed in a conspicuous location on the property not less than 15 days prior to the date of the hearing.

1st Matter of Law:

In the matter of Rezoning Application ZA 22-04, the County failed in the Newspaper publication to specifically list the present zoning classification of the property” in regards to each individual property.  (Specifically Parcel 104 065, Parcel 112 018, Parcel 112 109 and Parcel 113 057 002).  Their “present zoning classification” is RA (Residential Agricultural) Instead the County commingled six (6) separate Properties into a single representation when listing the “present zoning classification”.  This appears to be an effort to deceive the residents of the County regarding the impact and extent of the proposed zoning classification changes.
(See EXHIBIT A for a copy of the published Newspaper Notice.)

Note:  The actual Rezoning Application (see EXHIBIT B scan) that was filed also only lists a single Parcel (Parcel 112-019 – 352 acres previously zoned for Southern Catholic College).  This is deceptive, as Six parcels are being rezoned, and total 518 acres.  Furthermore, under “Proprty Owner/Property Information” at the bottom of the Application page, the “Street Address of Property being rezoned” is listed as “NW CORNER OF LUMPKIN CAMPGROUND ROAD AND GA 400”.  Parcels 104 065 and 112 018 (both currently zoned RA / Residential Agricultural) have frontage on Hwy 53, and on the Etowah River, and are nowhere near Lumpkin Capground & Hwy 400.  Again, this appears to be an intentionally deceptive attempt to misdirect the public away from the Etowah River / Hwy 53 aspect of this potential Rezoning.

2nd Matter of Law:

In the matter of Rezoning Application ZA 22-04, the County failed to place the required sign containing information required by local ordinance or resolution shall be placed in a conspicuous location on the property not less than 15 days prior to the date of the hearing” on three of the specific Parcels (Parcel 104 065, Parcel 112 018, and 113 057 002).  Their “present zoning classification” is RA (Residential Agricultural)Indeed the County NEVER placed a sign on any of these 3 referenced properties at any time during the process.  (For evidentiary purposes, Some Residents have video documented these sites at various times, showing they did not have proper signage. Indeed, even the Meeting Agendas from March, April and May all fail to show a Zoning Sign for these parcels in the packet, even though others are shown).

Some might argue that these are small matters of insignificance or technicality, but let us remember that the infamous gangster, AL Capone, was himself never able to be convicted of any of his major crimes (murder, gambling, drug running, etc) but was himself brought down by a technicality on some unpaid taxes.  Even little laws can have big teeth, and are important to a functioning society.

This author does not know who was utlimately responsible for this apparent attempt to deceive the public (and possibly the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners).  However, almost immediately after taking office last fall, our new Planning Director (Sharon Farrell) engaged in a rather chummy series of emails with the Developer’s representative on October 6, 2021, saying, “I am going to take the lead on this project” just 2 days before Fox Creek filed the Rezoning Application.

A big question in all of this is…. did any of this actually have an IMPACT on the public’s understanding of the Rezoning?  Local Facebook comments are rampant with misinformation from good and decent County Residents that clearly believe that “The Property” is already zoned to allow “even worse” than what is being sought, and clearly are not aware that half of the parcels (representing 162 acres directly on the Etowah River) actually have a “present zoning classification” of RA / Residential Agricultural.  Again, there has been an attempt to deceive the public ito believing that this entire rezoning primarily involves only the old “Southern Catholic College tract (Parcel 112 019).

Someone in the County appears to have orchestrated an intentional misinformation strategy by failing to follow proper Public Notice (in violation of Georgia’s “Zoning Procedures Law”) in an attempt to deceive the public and spread confusion over the Rezoning being sought.  The Board of Commissioners needs to shut down this Rezoning Application dead in its tracks, and launch an investigation into how this enormous, and potentially fraudulent, waste of County time and resources was allowed to proceed in such an illegal fashion.  They should further look into Planning Director Sharon Farrell’s role in the process.

The entire process should be restarted from the beginning (New Application, Proper Hearing Notices, and a New Review by the Planning Commission). 

If YOU have resolve in this matter, you are encouraged to share this article widely, email your commissioners, attend the May 19 BOC Meeting.

Disclaimer:  The author of this article is not a licensed attorney, and none of this should be construed as legal advice.

This Article is Shareable Online at our CJC Public Facebook News Page:

This is the 4th Article in our Series on “Etowah Buffs – Fox Creek Development” to continue right up the May 19th Voting Deadline.  If any North GA Residents feel they have something to contribute to this project, please visit our “Citizen Journalist” and “About” pages to learn more. 

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice


The post Etowah Bluffs: Rezoning Process Appears to Have Violated Legal Process (Part 4) appeared first on The Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC).

Etowah Bluffs: EMS & Public Works Officials – Ignored & Silenced! (Part 3) https://cjc.news/2022/05/15/etowah-bluffs-ems-public-works-officials-ignored-silenced-part-3/ Sun, 15 May 2022 14:11:47 +0000 https://cjc.news/?p=303 This Newspaper put in an Open Records Request for information related to the Etowah Bluffs / Fox Creek Development.  CJC received almost 500 pages in response.  CJC then reviewed and compared it to March Planning Commission, and April BOC Agenda [...]

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This Newspaper put in an Open Records Request for information related to the Etowah Bluffs / Fox Creek Development.  CJC received almost 500 pages in response.  CJC then reviewed and compared it to March Planning Commission, and April BOC Agenda Packets.  CJC concluded that County Residents were NOT being provided full disclosure; one County Official appeared to be engaged in silencing opposition data; one Commissioner seemed to sandbag information supposed to go to other Commissioners; and one key piece of data from EMS appears to have been ignored by our Planning Committee as they rubber stamped this forward.

The April 21 Planning Agenda Packet had one very prominent piece of information…. a 2 page letter by Fire Chief Danny Thompson & Fire Marshall Jeff Bailey.  Read the letter for yourself, and ask yourself, HOW could this sort of official feedback be ignored?  Here are some quotes below:

“It would not be unrealistic to expect an increase in the County’s permanent population of nearly twenty percent based on the number of residential occupancies proposed. The daily transient population will increase this to over thirty percent. … These projections are in addition to all the other residential and commercial building projects already permitted, underway, pending, and yet forthcoming.  Dawson County is experiencing previously unwitnessed growth… 

Emergency Services already finds itself without enough ambulances available in the County for EMS transport…. The same holds true for fire suppression and rescue operations as well

The frequency of multiple calls being simultaneously dispatched is already increasing

Next up we have the Public Works Department.  Early in the review process, former Public Works Director Denise Farr raised very strong questions regarding the limited access and traffic issues that could be created by the Development’s “Concept Plan”.  In a March 10, 2022 email, just days prior to the Planning Commission Meeting, our new Planning Director, Sharon Farrell, seemingly tried to bully Ms Farr into changing her assessment.  Below is a snippet from Denise Farr’s written review of the project, and then Sharon Farrell’s comment (Reference Emails Here).

Denise Farr Email
At first glance, there are several items that I would question:
First, I don’t think the developer has enough road frontage for all of his requested points of access, nor do I think some of those points are spaced far enough apart (off Lumpkin Campground). There seems to be a 4-point access (at the POD A notation), and another access approximately 500 feet toward SR 400. Considering the volume of traffic at this light, I would expect only a two-point access to be permitted (a right-in and rightout).
Secondly, I would be curious to know what GDOT has said about the request for access points off of SR 400. I don’t know if all (or if any) will be approved. A denial to these entrances would cause a major issue with the design.
Thirdly, I don’t think there are enough “residential access points” as shown in the present design. Considering the potential volume of residential occupancy to that of commercial.
<insert note: the original 2019 plan was to use the access at hwy 53 in front of Byrd’s Mini Storage.  That WILL be the solution to residential access they come to the conclusion of AFTER they get the rezoning.  But they are avoiding mentioning Hwy 53 access like the plague, because that is what helped kill this every other time, because it would cause a traffic bottleneck hell for all of western Dawson County (including Big Canoe & City of Dawsonville) when accessing Hwy 400 Commercial District.  So this time they are simply lying about the fact that it is most likely going to be at play>
Lastly, I dont think there is enough distance between access points to meet the Fire Department’s requirements. The developer may want to consider another access point off of Grant Road. In summary, it looks as though the design is extremely limited in access. Perhaps the developer wouldconsider acquiring additional properties so as to improve this ratio. <again, they will have to use Hwy 53 as an access point, and that is the main artery that is already burdened with traffic, so that is a problem they can’t allow focus on.  Shhhh! >

So, Sharon Farrell steps in right before the Planning Meeting with this:
Denise, this is a pretty high profile hearing so please review this report and let us know if you want to edit your comments.

There is one more issue I think Dawson County residents need to know about our new Planning Director, Ms Sharon Farrell.  She was fired from one of her previous positions as Lake County Florida’s Growth Management Director.  In that situation, her staff issued a report against a Development, stating in part:

“The proposed [development] is inconsistent with the Comprehensive [growth] Plan and places undue adverse impact on public facilities,”
Sound familiar?

The Developer sued.  Director Farrell took the stand and basically threw her own staff under the bus, and took the side of the Developer.  The County fired her soon thereafter.  Reference Story 1: Betrayal / Reference Story 2: Fired.  It should be noted that Ms Farrell seems to be rather cozy with the Etowah Bluffs Developers as well.  Reference Emails 1 / Reference Email 2

It might be time for Dawson County to consider whether Ms. Farrell is a good fit here as well, because her focus seems to be more on getting the Developer Agenda rubber stamped, than it does on making sure that the best interests of the County are served.  Many people don’t know this, but she was the Planning Manager in Forsyth County for the past 16 years.  We see how that worked out.

Lastly, Sharon Farrell emailed Commissioner Chris Gaines the “Impact Fee” report 10 days prior to the April 21 Board of Commissioners Meeting.  Commissioner Gaines seemingly sandbagged the other Commissioners, holding onto the report for 10 days, and not forwarding it on to the others, until 16 minutes before the BOC Meeting.

It almost doesn’t seem like an unbiased process…. a small group of our Insider Officials, seemingly favoring the developers, instead of the people of Dawson County.  It is also interesting that the Public Works Director, Denise Farr, suddenly no longer has her position.  This reporter does not know the reason, but I think it needs to be discovered, especially since not so long ago she was getting rave reviews.

Next Series (Part 4) will detail the legal violations involved in this Rezoning Application, that have left the Developer wide open to a lawsuit.

Sometimes your best defense….. is a good offense.

This Article is Shareable Online at our CJC Public Facebook News Page:

This is the 3rd Article in our Series on “Etowah Buffs – Fox Creek Development” to continue right up the May 19th Voting Deadline.  If any North GA Residents feel they have something to contribute to this project, please visit our “Citizen Journalist” and “About” pages to learn more. 

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice

The post Etowah Bluffs: EMS & Public Works Officials – Ignored & Silenced! (Part 3) appeared first on The Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC).

Etowah Bluffs Development: The Public Misinformation Campaign (Part 2) https://cjc.news/2022/05/10/etowah-bluffs-development-the-public-misinformation-campaign-part-2/ Tue, 10 May 2022 17:22:07 +0000 https://cjc.news/?p=268 In this Part 2 of our Series on the Etowah Bluffs Develpment, we explore the TRUTH behind some of the false narratives that the Developers (and County Pro-Development Insiders) are circulating about this project. MYTH #1 – They already have [...]

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In this Part 2 of our Series on the Etowah Bluffs Develpment, we explore the TRUTH behind some of the false narratives that the Developers (and County Pro-Development Insiders) are circulating about this project.

MYTH #1 – They already have the ability to build something even worse on this land under Existing Zoning.

FALSE!  There are 6 parcels totaling 518 Acres in the Rezoning Application. (Exhibit A – See Pg 1).  Of those 6 Parcels totaling 518 Acres, 3 of the Parcels totaling 162.33 Acres (31% of the total property) are Currently Zoned “RA” (for Agricultural).  The Housing Density for the existing RA Zoning is One (1) House Per Five (5) Acres.  (Dawson Ordinance Sec. 121-76. –Table 3.2)

If you look again at Exhibit A (Pg 3 this time), you see that the proposed Zoning Approval for the 586 “Single Family Detached” Homes is 4800-6000 Square Feet.  That is the size of the LOT, not the house!!!  An Acre of Land is 43,560 Square Feet.  43,560 SF divided by 4800 SF = 9.075 Houses per acre.  43,560 SF divided by 6000 SF = 7.26 Houses per acre.


  • Under the existing RA Zoning they can do 1 house on 5 acres. 
  • Under the proposed Rezoning they can do  36 – 45 houses on that same 5 acre piece of land. 


This is mostly the pristine land that borders the Etowah River.  (Exhibit B).  And if you look at the pretty Artist Renderings, and read their descriptions…. most of that will remain Greenspace.  So then WHY do they need it Rezoned?   Misinformation is being spread on Facebook that this Rezoning isn’t going to matter, and that they could do all this anyway.  An 8 year old can tell that if they could do it already, then they wouldn’t need the Rezoning!  Also, everyone needs to be aware that the pretty pictures are “CONCEPT” plans.  Once they get the Zoning, they are NOT limited to that plan.  It is relatively cheap to draw a pretty picture…. it’s called marketing.  This is just the marketing phase to get the Rezoning passed.  Then the real plans start rolling out.

One more thing to ask yourself, and this is a fundamental that lurks behind this entire project…. who in the world would want to live in these sorts of neighborhoods that are 7 – 9 homes per acre, right on top of each other?  Is this going to attract people that value Dawson County ideals of open spaces, a natural environment, an agricultural way of life, a slower paced living in harmony with God’s Creation?  Or is our way of life being cancelled, by an intentional and methodical drive to “replace us” with big city types, along with their voting and policy ideas?

MYTH #2 – We must do this in order to save the pristine Western portion of Dawson County, because if this isn’t done, we will be forced to allow subdivisions to sprawl everywhere.

NONSENSE!  Makes utterly no sense and is just a made up argument.  WHY would that happen?  We have existing Zoning all over the County.  This weird argument that when the Developers don’t get THIS Rezoning, then all of the other County Zoning is in jeopardy and our pristine Western Dawson County lands are at risk —- has No Basis.  I can’t really argue this one with facts… just logic.  Because there are no facts to support this.  If someone has some Code, Ordinance, or other legal reason that not approving this Etowah Bluff Rezoning jeopardizes the rest of the County…. or conversely, if we DO the Rezoning that will protect the rest of the County, then please email me at publisher@cjc.newsI’d love to hear the FACTS you care to present, and not just the facebook rumors.

Next Series (Part 3) will detail how various County Agencies are warning about this Development.

And FYI…. this is the CITIZEN Journalist Cooperative.  If anyone wants to submit an idea for an article, email it to publisher@cjc.news If we give it the go ahead, and you write a good one, we will not only host the article at our site, we will pay $$$ to distribute it to Dawson County Readers!  We’d love someone to comprehensively tackle the entire List of New High Density Developments already approved and underway (Maybe a Photo Essay?)  Citizens have no idea what is going to be hitting them in terms of traffic, infrastructure, and school overcrowding.  Who will step up and be the next Dawson County Superstar Journalist?

This Article is Shareable Online at our CJC Public Facebook News Page:

This is the 2nd Article in our Series on “Etowah Buffs – Fox Creek Development” to continue right up the May 19th Voting Deadline.  If any North GA Residents feel they have something to contribute to this project, please visit our “Citizen Journalist” and “About” pages to learn more. 

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice


The post Etowah Bluffs Development: The Public Misinformation Campaign (Part 2) appeared first on The Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC).

SAY NO TO HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT! https://cjc.news/2022/05/01/say-no-to-high-density-development/ Sun, 01 May 2022 18:45:12 +0000 https://cjc.news/?p=196 Dawson Co Residents Are Sick & Tired of High Density Development, and a “PETITION TO KEEP DAWSON SMALL” has begun circulating.  As of this writing, 857 residents have joined the Petition, and 317 have left comments in Opposition to the [...]

The post SAY NO TO HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT! appeared first on The Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC).

Dawson Co Residents Are Sick & Tired of High Density Development, and a “PETITION TO KEEP DAWSON SMALL” has begun circulating.  As of this writing, 857 residents have joined the Petition, and 317 have left comments in Opposition to the Etowah Bluff – Fox Creek Rezoning, that will pack almost 1,000 new residences AND enormous amounts of new commercial & industrial development, into a relatively small 518 Acres.  Our Infrastructure is already overburdened.  Traffic is already becoming unbearable.  The Quality of Life in Dawson County will be forever negatively affected if this rezoning passes.

(Keep reading to be introduced to the exceptional young man – homegrown in dawson county – that put the petition together; and we share a Video of him presenting his case to the Dawson County Planning Commission.)

How many times are we going to have to fight this? Etowah Village, Dawson Village, Etowah Bluffs – Fox Creek, etc. They can hide this under as many names as they want, hoping some of our weak Commissioners will eventually pass this, but Dawson County Residents are showing tough resolve on this one, and the fight against this is continuing, year after year.  Once again this proposed high density development has reared it’s ugly head, and residents are again called upon to defend their quality of life.

All Dawson County Residents are also encouraged to show up for the May 19, 2022 Dawson County Board of Commissioners 4:00 PM Work Session, and the following 6:00 PM Voting Session.  If you cannot attend in person, please visit the Dawson BOC Meeting Page for instructions on joining the meeting remotely via Zoom.

Residents are also encouraged to write your Commissioners, and give them your opinion on this Etowah Bluffs – Fox Creek Project (or all the high density development in general that is going on in the county)Individual Commissioner Email list below:

chairman@dawsoncounty.org (Billy Thurmond)
district1@dawsoncounty.org (Sharon Fausett)
district2@dawsoncounty.org (Chris Gaines)
district3@dawsoncounty.org (Tim Satterfield)
district4@dawsoncounty.org (Emory Dooley)

Or copy/paste for bulk email to all:  chairman@dawsoncounty.org, district1@dawsoncounty.org, district2@dawsoncounty.org, district3@dawsoncounty.org, district4@dawsoncounty.org

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, The CJC would like to give credit where credit is due, and introduce the County to an amazing young man, that I believe is going to do very well in this life, and is responsible for creating the PETITION TO KEEP DAWSON SMALL.

MAXIMILLIAN “MAX” MULDOON is a young man that is Homegrown in Dawsonville, graduated from Dawson County HS, attended Young Harris College in North Georgia, works as a Logistics Analyst at a local company, and of his own volition came up with the idea to write and launch the Petition.  Max went even farther, and showed up and gave a rather impressive speech to the Dawson Planning Committee before a packed house.  He received a solid round of applause.  I for one had a little bit of my faith in humanity restored, as I watched one of our future generation step up to the plate and exhibit such incrediby sound wisdom, and boldness.  Max Muldoon Addresses Planning Commission: https://youtu.be/P6ol8j324Qw?t=2721.

Dawson County resident Jessica Scott also did a great job summarizing many resident concerns (got a good applause too!):  https://youtu.be/P6ol8j324Qw?t=2163.  But if you can find 42 minutes to watch the entire parade of residents giving sincere and well thought out comments in opposition to this project, I do not think you will be dissapointed:  https://youtu.be/P6ol8j324Qw?t=1598.

Sign the Petition.  Attend the May 19 Meetings. Write your Commissioners.  Share this Article on your Facebook pages.  Share links to these videos.  The residents of this county are again called upon to fight the good fight to protect our quality of life.

This Article is Shareable Online at our CJC Public Facebook News Page:

This is the 1st Article to be officially produced and distributed by the Citizen Journalist Cooperative (“CJC”), a News Project of The Mountains Voice.  Look for our Series of Articles on “Etowah Buffs – Fox Creek Development” to continue right up the May 19th Voting Deadline.  If any North GA Residents feel they have something to contribute to this project, please visit our “Citizen Journalist” and “About” pages to learn more. 

– david / publisher
Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC)

* a publication of The Mountains Voice

The post SAY NO TO HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT! appeared first on The Citizen Journalist Cooperative (CJC).
